Custom Drupal 7 Rules Conditions and Actions

Example Drupal Rules actions and conditions as a module –
Custom rules

Custom Rules Actions

Using hook_rules_action_info()

This example provides two new actions:

  • Delete field_collection_item
  • Clear Drupal messages by type


* Implements hook_rules_action_info().
function custom_rules_rules_action_info() {
return array(
// use the field_collection_item entity to delete a field_collection_item correctly
'custom_rules_delete_field_collection_item' => array(
'label' => t('Delete field_collection_item and hostEntity reference (Custom Rules)'),
'group' => t('Custom Rules'),
'parameter' => array(
'field_collection_item' => array(
'type' => 'field_collection_item',
'label' => t('Field collection item remove'),
'description' => t('Field collection item and hostEntity reference will be deleted.'),
// set an node to private and immediately save it to ensure its privacy
'custom_rules_drupal_get_messages' => array(
'label' => t('Clear messages with drupal_get_messages() (Custom Rules)'),
'group' => t('Custom Rules'),
'parameter' => array(
'type_to_remove' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('Message type'),
'description' => t('Provide a message type to be removed: ( status, error, warning, etc ). Use "any" for typeless removal. Use "all" for clearing all messages.'),
'message_to_remove' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('Message to remove'),
'description' => t('Provide the message string to be removed.'),
* Simple helper action to really delete field_collection_item
* The normal Delete entity rule does not remove the hostEntity Reference
* @param $field_collection_item
function custom_rules_delete_field_collection_item( $field_collection_item ){
* Search $_SESSION[messages] queue for a specific message to remove
* @param $type_to_remove
* @param $message_to_remove
function custom_rules_drupal_get_messages( $type_to_remove, $message_to_remove ){
$index = FALSE;
$found_type = FALSE;
// remove all messages
if ( $type_to_remove == "all" ){
// search all messages for the string
else if ( $type_to_remove == "any" ) {
$messages = drupal_get_messages( NULL, false );
foreach ($messages as $message_type => $type_messages){
$index = array_search( $message_to_remove, $type_messages );
if ( $index !== FALSE ){
$found_type = $message_type;
// look for messages of a specific type
else {
$messages = drupal_get_messages( $type_to_remove, false );
if ( isset( $messages[ $type_to_remove ] ) ) {
$index = array_search( $message_to_remove, $messages[ $type_to_remove ] );
if ( $index !== FALSE ) {
$found_type = $type_to_remove;
// if found, remove the message from $_SESSION[messages] queue
if ( $index !== FALSE &&
$found_type !== FALSE &&
isset( $_SESSION['messages'][ $found_type ][ $index ] ) )
unset( $_SESSION['messages'][ $found_type ][ $index ] );
// remove the entire type if now empty
if ( empty( $_SESSION['messages'][ $found_type ] ) ){
unset( $_SESSION['messages'][ $found_type ] );

Custom Rules Conditions

Using hook_rules_condition_info()

This example provides four new Drupal Rules conditions:

  • Is cron running
  • Is during password reset
  • Is destination set in URL
  • Is during OAuth


* Implements hook_rules_condition_info().
function custom_rules_rules_condition_info() {
return array(
'custom_rules_is_cron_running' => array(
'label' => t('Is cron running'),
'group' => t('Custom Rules'),
'custom_rules_is_during_password_reset' => array(
'label' => t('Is during password reset'),
'group' => t('Custom Rules'),
'custom_rules_is_destination_set' => array(
'label' => t('Is destination set in URL'),
'group' => t('Custom Rules'),
'custom_rules_is_during_oauth' => array(
'label' => t('Is during OAuth'),
'group' => t('Custom Rules'),
* Condition - is cron running?
* @return bool
function custom_rules_is_cron_running(){
$cron_expires = db_query("SELECT `expire` FROM {semaphore} WHERE `name` = 'cron' LIMIT 1")->fetchField();
if ( $cron_expires && $cron_expires > microtime(TRUE) ) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Condition - is a user password currently being reset?
* @return bool
function custom_rules_is_during_password_reset(){
return (arg(0) == 'user' && arg(1) == 'reset');
* Condition - destination set in url query
* @return bool
function custom_rules_is_destination_set(){
return isset( $_GET['destination'] );
* Condition - Check if user is being processed through oauth
* @return bool
function custom_rules_is_during_oauth(){
return (
// on oauth route itself
arg(0) == 'oauth2' ||
// or logging in using the form
( isset( $_GET['destination'] ) &&
stripos( $_GET['destination'], 'oauth2' ) !== FALSE )
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